Monday, July 19, 2010

Glasses--the contacts that make you look weird

Okay, I do not have perfect vision.


And I don't wear my glasses.

*irked sigh*


Please explain why two of my teachers think I need glasses.

Okay, to one of them I explained that I don't like my glasses and they responded that it would make my vision worsen. But the other one? I DO NOT SQUINT AT THE BOARD. I have to keep my binder in my lap because I'm too short to reach it if it's on the table.


Anyway, I'll probably end up having to get contacts. I like seeing without depth perception, thank you very much. Wearing glasses gives me a headache. And it's like constantly watching a movie.

No, thank you.


  1. So what? I personally think glasses look super awesome. Seriously, when I got mine I spent HOURS looking for the right pair. (but i just noticed how many other people had the same ones which is aginst my "Stand Out, Don't Blend in" principle.

    Any way, it's not like teachers know anything, I mean, are you serious? (jk)

  2. I don't, they make me feel like a nerd.

    Ha, I love your principle. :D It relates to you.

    Mine have a pretty shape but the color doesn't go with my clothes, thus the usual absence.
