Saturday, July 24, 2010

Meet the Kitteh: Periwinkle

Periwinkle is your typical little brother, just in cat form. He is often described by my mother to be a fraternity boy: he loves to eat, sleep, and be coddled. We adopted him from a "cat preserve," called so for its acre or so of woodlands for the outdoor cats. My mom is always threatening to take him back to he "kitty orphanage." The elderly Italian lady who evidently founded it informed us that that unless we were willing to "leek her fur" we need to get another cat to keep Daisy company. When we finally adopted him, (after holding him for an hour as he purred) she kissed him on his kitty-breath lips and said "They always leek mah keeses" which indeed he did do. But kudos to her, for owning sixty cats and loving them all. Periwinkle loves to eat, to the point of his throwing up. He also make little noises of pleasure when he eats, aka inhaling his kitty food. Periwinkle loves to jump onto my bed at 6:45 in the morning and nuzzle me until I give him food. He doesn't know how to clean up after himself in the litter-box and often pesters Daisy, who patiently and gracefully ignores him. Periwinkle's nicknames include "Perry," "Peristinkle (for his unusual odor upon adoption, although it helped Scout adjust to him)" "Peritwinks," "Peritwinkle," "GP," and "Agent P." His birthday is October 8, 2009 (08.10.09,) and he is almost one year old.


  1. Thank you. :) Did you see Daisy's post?

  2. awww, he's adorable!!! My neighbors cats usually hate me but when i'm taking care of them they're all over me.

  3. Hahaha. Come over and pet Perry.

  4. We can add petting him to our reading-outdoors party. ;)

  5. Peritwinkle is my FAVORITE KITTY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!!!! cuz Daisy tried to unravel my sweater. That's why she's my second fave. but oh well. Peri is so friendly!!!! Maddy, again.

  6. Perry's the people cat, Daisy's the soft claws cat.
