Sunday, January 30, 2011

Poll results and the Great Oil Spill

It occurs to me that it wasn't really smart of me to have so many options.

So, here are some more:
  • I cancel out the options no one voted for and have a new poll.
  • You all comment below telling me why I should use your specific idea.
  • I have a poll for what to do about a poll.
  • We pretend this never happened and do nothing.
So. . . what should I do?

In the meantime of me trying to write this post, we had an Incident.

Like most families do, we have a bottle of Canola oil in our kitchen (Yes, with a serving suggestion. Ick.) and it is made of plastic. When I see plastic, I think oh, plastic. When Perry sees plastic, he thinks CHEWABLE. I'll let you guess what happened at 11 p.m. two nights ago. We're still getting it out of stuff.