Thursday, September 16, 2010

My oddly awesome skirt

So, yesterday I go to school. La la la la la. Happy day. Schooly school school.

I got three skirts over the summer, and I was wearing one of them. I walk down the hallway (La la la la la. Happy day. Schooly school school.) and people keep complimenting my skirt. I don't even know some of these people. But still. COMPLIMENTS!!!


Oh yeah. . . new sites on the sidebar! Check it out!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I have an addiction. . . .

To what? Chocolate? Club soda? Murder mysteries?

No, but good guesses. My addiction is to. . . reading the next books in series that I despise. I can't help it. And whenever I don't read the book, I feel really guilty. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGG. . . why does there have to be such annoying literature?!?!?!?!?!

I mean, seriously. I'll read the worst book EVER and read its sequel because I just can't help it. IT IS SOOOOOOO annoying.

In other news, only my little brother would receive two cards with hearts and flowers on them and "Dear Peter, I love you"s. Sigh, how we slightly envy the famous.

Perry has just lapped up a tablespoon or more of syrup. Shame, piddums.

We dressed out THREE times in three minutes on Monday. Please don't get confuzzled again, teacher dahling.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Apologies and Volleyball

Whilst attempting to play a sport with my peers (why is there no solitaire of the sport world?) I found myself in the lovely situation of apologizing over and over again. As reflex. Confound you, etiquette. I don't mean to be annoying.

I've left my athletic shoes on in order to inspire me to exercise. Good luck, shoes. Ah well.

The other fifty percent of my time is spent running after the volleyball. Why does it have to be round?

I fail to see how it differs whether I fail while participating or when I fail without participating.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Roses and Thorns

Today was the first day of my church group. We had to give a good thing--rose--and a bad thing--thorn--about our day/week. Pretty self explanatory, yes?

Leader: "Emma?"
Me: "My rose is that my siblings have been having a good school year so far and last year they didn't, so that's really happy and they leave me alone when I do my homework."


Me, cont: And my thorn is that I've had to speak today.

*awkward pause*

Yeah, I'm such a good contributor.