Thursday, July 22, 2010

Meet the Kitteh: Daisy

I do talk about them all the time.
This is Daisy, circa four months old. Today she is a slightly plump fluffy kitty who is very shy. We imagine that if she was a person, she'd be a supermodel. She is a very pretty kitty. She loves Purina cat food. Her foster parents (since she and her siblings, Melon [brother] and Patches [sister] were found as newborns; Daisy was the oldest) were neighbors to one of my little brother's friends, and they introduced us to her. When we adopted her, we fed her organic healthy expensive cat food. Daisy tolerated it, but she really only wanted to eat kitty junk food. One day, my mom came across some Purina and thought Daisy might like it. She bought it and mixed it in with the healthy food. Daisy picked all the healthy food out of the bowl and ate the Purina. My parents then switched her to only Purina, and she is a happy little kitteh who never overeats. When we first got her, she was so tiny she got stuck in my little sister's Barbie castle, crawled through her collar, and could fit under the decorative grooves on the bottom of my sister's dresser. Her birthday is June 11, and she is 2 years old. She weighs eight pounds, although we are sure that a large percentage of her weight and slightly heavy appearance stems from her soft static-cling fur. Her pet names (ha) include "Pretty Kitty, "Kit Kat," "Daze," "Da Cootumsy," and "Da Vewy Pwettiest Kitty In The Whole Wide Wowd." Ever since my sister was little, perhaps only a toddler, she would draw pictures of orange kittens with captions such as "I LOVE YOU KITTEN." It was very cute. My mom thought she was allergic then, though, but seriously, we have boxes and boxes of kitten art. Probably wondering why we took three bajillion pictures of her. Aw, so cute. <3
One of her favorite nap places, Daisy also loves to stare out the window at such fascinating sights such as birds, squirrels, and the ever-entrancing phenomenon of one of our sweet elderly neighbors' offspring moving their car away from our mailbox. Daisy has since discovered the crack between the chest and the wall--perfect for eating mosquitoes.Rolling around, spreading her fur.

Please note that the pictures are in a vague sort of chronological order; she is the youngest at the top, and the oldest at the bottom.


  1. What, are y'all not cat people or something?


  3. Oh, good, you saw this one too. Yes, Daisy is the pretty kitty, and Perry is the cuddle kitty. They are adorable. Thank you.

  4. Daisy tried to unwind my sweater. :( But i still love her becuz she's so sweet!!

  5. That is her main endearing quality.

  6. We also call her "Princess Pretty Paws"
