Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mah Problematic Kittehs

I LOVE my kittums. They are sweet little balls of cuteness on whom I dote upon. (*GASP* you already knew that?)

But they may have self-esteem issues.

Let's begin with Daisy. She's the supermodel kitteh. Very soft and fluffy. However, she has recently been sporting BLOODY SPOTS by her ears and on her cheek.

There is only one conclusion.

Daisy is cutting herself because she has bad self-esteem and feels that she must punish herself for, um, eating slowly or something. Yeah, that's it. Since her little brother, Periwinkle, eats quickly, she feels bad about herself. She simply does not realize what a pretty kitty she actually is.

Now for Periwinkle.

Perry does NOT have bloody spots and scabs on his face, but, as previously mentioned, he eats a lot. A LOT. As in, we had to buy a breadbox so he'd stop eating the bread/stealing it to take into the living room to nom it/licking our butter. He also breaks into his food jar every other day. He also throws up a lot. This usually occurs after he eats a lot. This has led me to an important conclusion.

Periwinkle is bulimic, meaning he has bulimia. He eats a lot and then throws up because he thinks he is "fat."

I am now waiting for my dog to turn anorexic. We have a vet appointment scheduled for soon, so he'd better stop eating before then.

[Please note: While my cats actually do throw up/have scabs on their face, I do not mean to make light of the disorders I mentioned, just to bring light onto them.]