Friday, August 13, 2010

Mintal Hygiene

Ever since my teeth were enslaved by these "braces," I have been ordered to brush my teeth in a certain way. A certain EXTENSIVE way. First, you use the pine-tree brush to clear out the spaces between the metal brackets. Then you floss your teeth, which is complicated because you have to go under the archwires. We clock this at four to five minutes. Then you brush your teeth with water for two minutes. If it's morning or night, you swish with extra-strength mouthwash for one minute. Then you brush with toothpaste for two more minutes. Behold, another five minutes.


Also, because I am me and thus slightly addle-headed, every single dental hygiene thing that I have is either extreme extreme extreme mint or green, to match. The resulting breath is so minty I could probably wilt flowers, especially if I used the mouthwash. I could wilt people's brains.

Off for the first time-consuming ordeal. Sigh.

(Remember the "shellac" story? Well, guess what: shellac is made by bugs. They ooze it onto trees. :) Made you learn!)

(I added something new to the sidebar. --> And I have a whole bar of links for you! I am also trying out a new format for the history. Do you like it?)

{Please note: I have discovered that I cannot invite my friends to follow my blog unless I am following it, which I do not desire to do. If y'all could invite some of your/my friends for me, that would be great and I would REALLY appreciate it!}


  1. TOTALLY BETTER, you mean. :) Please offer her my felicitations.

  2. Yeah, they gave me all this special stuff (no mouthwash though) But I only use the small brush and a regular toothbrush.

  3. Ah.

    The mouthwash helps, though.

  4. PINE TREE BRUSH! Hilarious and apt.
