Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Calendaro Ordero

I mapped out everything I want to do so that it will happen. Much easier than manipulating. And it works 99.9% of the time! So, today, for example, we are going to a store in the mall that carries parasols. Very exciting, yes?

The other good thing about my calendar is that I can color-code it. Usually I keep everything in my head. This has lead me to a theory of why I spout out random facts: all the other things that I remember shove them out. I don't mind it, though; I still remember everything. Take that, brain.

In other notes, yesterday my siblings and I had a great deal of fun doing electric stuff. We made a fan, doorbell, etc.

Sorry for all the shortness of late, but I've not been in my best moods.


  1. I know, everytime I say "Emma, remind me to do (insert small task here)" YOu give me another fact. Now I know why.

  2. Ha ha! Ahem. Sorry I didn't obey your calendar. Maybe you should try spouting random facts at me til I do....

  3. Yes, so true to both of you. :)
