Sunday, October 2, 2011

I like words, but. . . .

I was reading an article perhaps a couple of days ago (no, I cannot remember where, I do apologize) and read that there actually is a language up North where they have lots of different names for snow, like the snow on rooftops and snow that has not yet been stepped on.

As I brought this up, my mother mentioned that she had read a book where the main character is a truck-driver in England, and all it ever does is rain. He becomes so irritated that he develops certain names for the rain, like the misty rain, and the rain that, no matter how fast your windshield wipers go, you still can't see through.

It was then brought up that the Romans had a ridiculous amount of words for specific ways of killing people, and that made me think.

What does it mean that in America we have so many words that mean "moron"?