Saturday, November 6, 2010

Why I Haven't Been Posting; Also, Peter's Talisman

As you know, my posts have been far and few these last few weeks. Why, you may ask?

Because our stupid computers got amnesia.

  1. My mom's laptop. Her story, her Sims games, gone. Very sad for all parties involved. Now it is fixed, though, and she has new Sims families.
  2. Upstairs computer. We did get it fixed, but I have no bookmarks or favorites or ANYTHING. It. Was. Appalling. Also, Sims 3 only works for half an hour. Since Laura and I made a family with a musical teenager, three British-schoolgirl-esque triplet daughters, and crazy Cousin Arnold, who owns two cars and a motorcycle and has a huge mohawk, this SIMPLY DOES NOT SUFFICE. I mean, one can spend half an hour making Cousin Arnold live underground in a garage, and it WILL NOT SAVE.
  3. This computer--downstairs. Last night, after lots of restarting, we clicked on my mom's name only to find that Everything was Lost. It is VERY maddening.
When I woke up this morning, figuring that I should explain this, I walked into the hallway to see Peter holding his "talisman"--a plastic squirt bottle to shoot Perry. In his other hand, he clutched a Playmobil Roman soldier-prince. The talisman in question was to protect him and make him feel safe from Jason, a hockey-mask-wearing, chainsaw-carrying character on a Halloween special for Roblox.

I have a coupon for Sims 3 Late Night--but we need to fix the computer first.

Periwinkle is an adult! On October the 19th, he finally switched to adult cat food.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Party. . . :-/. . . or not.

My neighbors are having their reception for their daughter's wedding in their yard. We are invited. Unfortunately, we have lost the invitation. Thus, we must resort to peering out the window to determine the formalness of the outfits and the time people are arriving. At least we don't have to worry about parking, because that might be a bit much.

Due to our ineptitude for finding and keeping things, we debated about the possibility of recycling the invitation. Of course, since everyone slept until eight, the recyclables were not recycled. Unfortunately, no one wanted to look through the recycling, and fourteen hours did not hail any significant help.

I'm off to look through the window, the wonderful window by the door.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Step one: Copy and paste the blog address. (
Step two: Open a new tab:
Step 3: Paste blog address into "blog feed" spot.
Step 4: Enjoy my apparently random big words.