Sunday, September 12, 2010

Roses and Thorns

Today was the first day of my church group. We had to give a good thing--rose--and a bad thing--thorn--about our day/week. Pretty self explanatory, yes?

Leader: "Emma?"
Me: "My rose is that my siblings have been having a good school year so far and last year they didn't, so that's really happy and they leave me alone when I do my homework."


Me, cont: And my thorn is that I've had to speak today.

*awkward pause*

Yeah, I'm such a good contributor.


  1. YAY YOU!!!!! thats, like, the person i wanna be when i grow up :) lets see, my rose: my hair looks GREAT! my thorn: the rest of my life? no ummmm i guess that im not doing too well in Science
