Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Corrupt Brownies and Me


*deep deep breath*

I made Ghirardelli Double Chocolate brownies because as much as I like making stuff without mixes, Ghirardelli simply is THE BEST chocolate ever, and hello, yummy brownies with some work already done for you=extra-ly scrumptious.

First, I grease the pan. I now know to hold it at least six inches away from the pan unless you want to be surrounded by oil clouds. Very gross. Then I get the egg, water and canola oil. Because I am psychotic, I read the back and discovered. . . THERE IS A SERVING SUGGESTION FOR CANOLA OIL! It is ONE TABLESPOON. I am really hoping this is for people who make up recipes. Really, really hoping.

The brownies are yummalicious, so I had a rather large one whilst I mused upon my eventual taking over of the world before I graduate from my current school. Brownies are very good listeners.

Also, yesterday I discovered this blog which is about this young lady who is renouncing traditional shopping for a year and instead has given herself a budget of a dollar a day for a year to buy really ugly dresses and shirts and the like and sew them into something wearable and stylish. She also has a cooking club of which I am extraordinarily jealous. Here is a recipe she posted for a cake in a mug. I plan on making it this autumn or winter.

Queen of the World signing out.


  1. well, are you inspired? maybe to take over the world with the stardust scones cooking club. :) now has two members. me, and my apron.

  2. Ooh, me too! That makes three! :)

    So many possibilities for taking over the world with cooking.

  3. awwwww :( that makes me so sad. i mean im happy 4 u cuz now u have brownies and youre inspired and stuff but im sad and lonely and brownieless :(

  4. BROWNIES!!!

    $3.29 a box at Target!
