Friday, July 30, 2010

Perry: the unwanted feline alarm clock

Y'all know me: I love waking up early. However, I like to sleep into seven o'clock when given the chance.

Then comes Perry, who has pushed "Waking Emma up and 5:15 or 5:49" into #2 on his to-do list, right after "FOODFOODFOODFOODFOOD!!!!!" unfortunately for me. Every morning he prances into my room and commences nudging my face, chewing everything plastic, and mewing. Of course, once the sun comes up he sits down and purrs whilst I give up on getting my two hours of sleep back.

My mom has started locking him on the screen porch. And Daisy, because once Perry pries the door open, she loves to come in and bathe herself, hygienic little kitty that she is.

I'll update you on a future post along with Laura's soon-to-be-updated ears.