Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I love breakfast. It's my favorite meal of the day. However, having the same thing every day is tiring, so I have reviewed various breakfasts for you here.

Pancakes: All my sister will eat, so they disgust me. We have them all the time.
Waffles: I love them, but my little sister's best friend requires whipped cream with them. A LOT of whipped cream.
Fried Egg: Yum, although sometimes my mom messes them up because the pan and flipper are messed up.
Bacon: Yummalicious all the time. Especially good with a fried egg.
Cereal: Meh.
Toast: Yum; it depends if it's ding toast or not.
Muffins: Chocolate ones, usually. :D

I must go; OGTSGS is still in progress.


  1. A bagel with a cup of Evy's special Tea.

  2. i LOVE pancakes :P bacon is good :D CHOCOLATE is good in anything :) except bacon.... whoever thought chocolate bacon was a good idea is STUPID

  3. Lolz, Kaelen. Good luck on your breakfasts, y'all.
