Sunday, September 4, 2011

Shredded Apple. . . or not. . . .

After all this ado about breakfast, I decided to try something I had been wondering about for a while: an apple smoothie.

This was about five minutes ago. I recall it vividly.

I was really excited. I peeled the apple and cut it up with three different knives. I put it in the blender and excitedly flipped the switch.

Mysteriously, nothing much happened. I remembered an earlier blenderizing experience where a bit of liquid had been the trick. So I added some orange juice.

After a series of me flipping the switch, nothing happening, and scraping down the sides, I realized something:

I was making applesauce.

I added some lemon juice and cinnamon and a touch of sugar and poured it into a bowl. I have to eat it now. It's not delicious, but it's pretty good.

What I really want is shredded apple. When inspiration next strikes, I am shredding an apple for all its worth and seeing if it is drinkable.

It must be interesting to not have the constant urge to make yummy breakfasts.

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