Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Sincere Apathy for Showering

I do not like showering. This is not logical. I like being alone, and I like being clean. I do not like showering. I wish that there was a way to be efficient while showering, because showering is like a vacuum of time.

I suppose at the root of this is that I have to comb my hair in the shower, which is a dreadful task and makes my showers twenty minutes long. So not only do I have to inflict pain upon myself, I am cold and probably am going to be hated by every eco-friendly person in the world.

It is a terrible thing to be me, my friends.


  1. if you get a good shampoo and conditioner then your hair will be easier to comb

  2. I appreciate the thoughts!

    I have long curly hair (it's shorter now, though only slightly) and I have a leave-in conditioner and everything. I'm not sure if I enjoy showering, because I see shower and I think hair.

    *realized I never answered the question I set out to answer*

    I have to comb my hair in the shower because, as mentioned above, it is curly. I cannot comb it out of the shower, and brushing it would be terrible and I would turn into some sort of rabbit-porcupine. Sometimes I brush my hair and put it in a ponytail the night before I'm going to wash it but it takes a while and I'm terribly lazy.

  3. you could cut your hair even MORE a-bit-shorter.
