Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Have! Lots! Of! Fun! In! Paris!

I would apologize for the lack of posts but it is summer, so I am going to presume you have better things to do with your life, like, for example, vacationing in exotic places without internet connection.

If you've just been sitting at home I have no pity for you, as we're obviously the ones having the most fun. My life is so exciting. I have a very busy schedule--move arm at 10:20, get another pillow at eighteen till eleven, close eyes at 11:02, sigh at 11:03. . . the list goes on. I am like a party of gummy bears. That is how much fun I am having.

You don't believe me? Well, I have brownies. What now.

I haven't been posting not because of a natural disaster or anything not under my control, I've just been lazy. (It occurs to me that that last sentence is not a particularly flattering one, perhaps not even one I want to put on my blog. . . oh well, it's going there anyway, because I'm too exhausted from sitting in an actual upright position to think of a better reason.)

Also I have been doing crosswords.

I think I'm going to end this post before I fall completely asle787888888888888888888888uuyuhjyyyyyyyyyyyyy777eee34htngt n m ;

1 comment:

  1. YOUNG LADY!!!!!!! i am very disappointed in you. i actually really missed your posts, and it made me so happy to see this one on buzz. ugh your life sounds like sooo much fun... yeah, i visit exciting places like south carolina. woot woot!!! haha <3z keep posting. please? my sanity is in your hands. well... whats left...
