Monday, May 30, 2011

I struggle with menial activities.....

Last night, it being half-past our accustomed dinner hour, my little sister and I decided to make our customary Sunday night dinner: grilled cheese sandwiches, popcorn, and smoothie.

The popcorn was easy enough (even though I wasn't expecting the loud noise from the popping machine and jumped backwards, therefore banging my back painfully into the oven door handle) and the butter-melting was not alarming at all. (Not like melting marshmallows.) The smoothie was very, very good.

But the grilled cheese...........

I can make fried chicken. I can make loads and loads of desserts. I can make French toast with stale biscuits at six in the morning, but I cannot make grilled cheese sandwiches.

First I toasted the bread without cheese and burned it. Then I covered the surface of the bread with thin cheese slices. Then the cheese burned. Then I put more cheese on top of the burned pieces. Then the bread broke in half. Then the bread burned more. Then you couldn't see the cheese.

Then I was sick of the sandwich and sent it to its doom via slapping it on a plate and thrusting it into my siblings' faces.

They ate them.


  1. Thank you, Kaelen. I'm glad you recognize my talent. :)

  2. the only thing that tastes good when i make it is brownies. and that's from a mix. :P
