Sunday, April 3, 2011

Do NOT do this at YOUR new home

Yesterday, my mother and I went over to our other house, which is usually rented. We decided to clean out the kitchen.

So, after cleaning the sink and organizing the silverware, we open the cabinets to find--I kid you not--

  • A glass (crystal?) punchbowl and approximately twelve glass teacups to accompany it.
  • A set of china plates, gold-rimmed.
  • Two glass candlestick holders.
  • A glass butter dish.
  • A glass dish-cover.
  • At least seven corn-on-the-cob dishes.
  • A glass bowl full of corn prongs.
  • Fancy silverware, of which at least some must be silver.
And all this in a house painted--on the inside--sage green, lime green, and sky blue. The moral of the story is to never ever leave your great-grandmother's prized possessions in one of your houses because people will have to deal with them. And stare at them. And pity your dear great-grandmother.

1 comment:

  1. No, it's not ours, it's a renter's. But we're totally keeping it.
