Saturday, July 31, 2010

Laura's UPDATED ears (yup, she did it)

Yesterday at four o'clock, Laura departed with *GASP* the intention of getting her ears pierced. (Yup, at the tattoo parlor, see here) and she did. She actually went through with it.

On his business card, Laura's piercer had "Super Wicked Awesome Master Piercer," which just shows that we did indeed get the right person to pierce her ears. It reminds me much of my cousins--the dealer from whom they bought the car had "The Master" on his business card, and thus provided a name for their car.

Instead of getting studs, she got a hoop. Not a big hoop, but it goes just-under her ear and back up again. As my mom keeps reminding her, she would have gotten the same mini-hoop if she had gotten her eyebrow or belly button pierced. She also got it pierced in a different way than my mom had. I'm not sure if this is widely used nowadays or what, so please voice in if you know. The guy used a hollow needle, so a tiny hole of her ear is in the compost as we speak.

Last night, we accomplished the difficult task of soaking her ear in salt water--five minutes per ear. The ordeal was awkward for her--seeing as leaning sideways isn't very comfortable--but great for Peter and me, who got to watch more television online. Television is evidently very good at distracting you from the eerie fact that salt water is dripping down your neck. We also got cream-cheese brownie pieces, which I fed to her.

She attests that getting her ears pierced hurt quite sharp for a second, and the first hurt less than the second. My little brother compares it to being clawed by a crawfish. And she can wear hoops immediately after getting the mini-hoops off at the end of September. And they make her look more grown-up, which is weird for me, because I am losing more of my big-sister rights.

So far, no infection or pain. . . I have the lovely joy of being asked to "smell her ears" because they have watermelon-scented antibacterial-soap.

As for a Perry update, last night he and Daisy stole a bag of compost left on the counter and took them upstairs to munch on--because it had bread in it. Sigh. And they ate it by my room, so that just proves what a lovely person I am. I bet all you lucky people can't say that, so. . . yeah. I'm awesome.


  1. what? u smelled her ears? weeeeird. did they smell good at least?


  3. Aw mine hurt for days after I got them pierced. At least I didn't have to soak them in salt water. Even though I was at the beach so it wouldn't have been hard. :( I feel cheated. I didn't get the choice of hoops or studs. Sadness. Yes Evy, we are nuts.

  4. You haven;t been cheated. :) Good beach connection. And lolz to Evy.
