Monday, October 18, 2010

DUN DUN DUN DUN! *trumpets*

As you can see, I am in a regal mood. La! La! Laaaaaaa!
In Emmaland, where everyone wears Victorian frocks and opens doors for Emmas and holds her parasol while she cleanses her gloves, her entrance to school is regarded as a national holiday. Mind you, that is not to imply that she seldom graces her educational building with her lovely presence, but that her very being there is special.

Holders-of-doors: *open double doors*
Trumpeters: *trumpet*
Roller-outers-of-red-carpet: *roll out red carpet*
Announcer: *announces Emma*
Me: *enters hallway complete in Victorian garb*
Random people in hallway: *laugh*
Me: *walks down carpet to grace them with the presence of my lovely and pointy parasol*
Random people in hallway: *bow/curtsy* *back away looking scared*
Me: *smiles*
Other and now wiser people in hallway: *throw flowers*
Me: *wakes up and sighs*
Random people in hallway: *gasp and run away from me*
Me: *looks appalled*

And yes, I switched narrative styles. My deepest condolences.

(***Thanks to Madeleine for the new sites!***)


  1. Haha, Emma. * Throws flowers, teddy bears, and all sorts of wonderful things *

  2. Chocolate flowers, chocolate teddy bears. . . nom. Let's just hope it's cold.

  3. ewwww it will get in her hair!!! and on her silk ballgown!

  4. Yes. . . mm. Perhaps flowers and chocolate BARS and teddy bears would be better--wait a second, Sophie. . . .

  5. not chocolate bars, LEMON BARS!!
